Monday, September 14, 2009

Quit Smoking


Smoking seems to be common nowadays. We can always see people smoking anywhere at any given time, with exception to places with prohibitive rules. However, the trend is very disturbing. The numbers of heavy smokers increases, in addition to rise of woman smokers. Another bothering fact is the increasing amount of early youth smoking. There are cases whereby kids as young as 4 years old developing the symptoms of a heavy smoker. This is truly worrisome.

There's no need for explaination or description of the danger on smoking. Everybody knows that smoking is more harmful rather than beneficial. A lot of studies have been made prooving the idea. But, why do people keep on smoking? Have they ever tried to quit? Most of my friends who smoke admitted that they tried at least once. But there's no motivational support for them to do it. There are also cases that people quit smoking for others. For example, a number of nursing mothers will try their best to quit smoking because of their babies. But, not many fathers do that.

Thus, for smokers to quit smoking, there should be a very massive factor(s) pushing them to quit. This acts as motivational support for them. Most of the time, family concerns play major roles in ensuing the expected outcome of their effort. They will find it hard at first, but eventually they will succeed. On the other hand, those who always deny their ability to quit smoking, usually present excuses which sometimes indicates that they are not ready to abandon their habit yet. Therefore, it is essential that the third party individuals to evoke the public towards healthy lifestyle, focal to quit smoking. These involves the government, the healthcare service provider and others who do not directly interacting with smokers.

Campaigns can be done to provide input about quitting, whereas the others can impose prohibitive regulation on smoking in public spaces such as restaurants, shopping and leisure malls and sports facilities complex. This can always put on pressure to smokers.

In addition to that, full length support should be provided to individuals who decided to quit. Pharmacists have to play their role in suggesting the best way to reduce the tendency to smoke in the smokers. One way, is by introducing medication such as the nicotine patches to reduce the addictiveness towards nicotine which are found in cigarrettes. They also can always provide relevant advices to smokers and encourage them not to give up easily when on move to quit smoking. Perhaps, they can also suggest supportive methods to the relatives and close individuals to the person, so that the level of motivation is always at a heightened degree.

There is no certain limits on duration of action as different individuals may require variety of length and methods towards achieving successful, solid effort of quit smoking. But, the most crucial factor is that, everyone including the individual self have to have the strong determination and to have the idea of no-stop-until-success attitude. Godwill, the effort will bear success.

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